Region: Lithuania
Language: English

Improdimensija: Šarka / Mockūnas / Milašius / Razmus [Vilnius]

Improdimensija trumpam sugrįžta, pasirodys ir vėl kuriam laikui pasislėps.

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Teatralizuotas muzikinis performansas

Benas Šarka - šokis, vokalas

Liudas Mockūnas - saksofonai

Juozas Milašius - gitara, triukšmas

Domantas Razmus - būgnai

Tikima, kad kauko kauksmas gali suskaldyti akmenį, kaukoles ir net betoną. Lietuvių mitologijoje kaukas laikomas vaisingumo, turtų dvasia. Lietuviai tikėjo, kad kaukais pavirsta mirę nekrikštyti kūdikiai. Terminas „kaukas“ kilęs nuo žodžio „kaukti“, o nuo „kauko“ – „kaukė“.


Theatrical Musical Performance

The roaring of a goblin is believed to be able to break a stone, skulls and even the concrete. A goblin is considered to be a spirit of fertility and riches in the Lithuanian mythology. The Lithuanians once believed that babies, who die without being baptised, turn into goblins.

The Lithuanian term “kaukas” (Eng. goblin) originated from the Lithuanian word “kaukti” (Eng. roar) and the Lithuanian word “kaukė” (Eng. mask) - from the Lithuanian word “kaukas”.

The event organiser takes responsibility for the quality of the event. The organiser will make a decision regarding the refund if the event does not take place or is postponed. For more detailed information on circumstances and refunds, please refer to the Event-Related Circumstances

Event location