Region: United States
Language: English

MIDI 2024 Šachmatų turnyras | Chess Tournament

[EN below]

Ar gali nuspėti kitą varžovo ėjimą? Ar 64 langeliai tau reiškia daugiau nei tik stalo žaidimo lentą? Ar susimąstei, kad galbūt net paprastas pėstininkas slepia mįslę, kurią išnarplioti gali tu?

MIDI Šachmatų turnyras – tai seniausia MIDI tradicija. Tavęs laukia ne tik geri prisiminimai, bet ir galimybė laimėti įvairius prizus! Nesvarbu, ar esi profesionalas, ar tik moki žaidimo taisykles, tu ir tavo draugai esate laukiami šių metų MIDI Šachmatų turnyre!


Daugiau informacijos galite rasti čia.


Can you predict your opponent’s next move? Do 64 squares mean more than just a game board to you? Have you ever wondered how even a simple pawn might be hiding a riddle, which you could solve?

MIDI Chess Tournament is the oldest MIDI tradition. Not only do good memories await you, but also a chance to win various prizes! Doesn’t matter if you’re a professional or just someone who knows the rules, you and your friends are welcome to this year’s MIDI Chess Tournament!


More information can be found here.

The event organiser takes responsibility for the quality of the event. The organiser will make a decision regarding the refund if the event does not take place or is postponed. For more detailed information on circumstances and refunds, please refer to the Event-Related Circumstances

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