Valsts: Lietuva
Valoda: Latviešu

What do people do? #11

Welcome to "What do people do?" (previously "Ką darai, daryk gerai") - a monthly creative conference in Vilnius & Kaunas! Fuelled by vulnerability these are refreshing story nights about creative life and unconventional work told by the movers and shakers of our generation.

Together with speakers we ask what to do to turn passion projects into a successful career. Life is made out of small steps, and the speakers dare to share even the toughest lessons they had to learn.

Come along, grab a drink and get inspired to do more and live differently!

Time & Date: November 12th. Doors open at 6pm; talks kick off at 7pm.



Marius Povilas Elijas Martynenko: a poet, an actor, a dad and a guy with the strangest life story and the weirdest career path. He will have 20 min on the stage to share stories no one has ever heard before.

Gerda Liudvinavičiūtė: the creative mind and the owner of concrete jewelry brand CELSIUS 273. She studied psychology, started making beautiful objects from the roughest materials out of curiosity and now she's flying around the world selling her creations. Not everything is or always has been easy. Gerda will share the other bit of her story, where fear, self doubt, financial issues and insecurity are a big part of daily life. It's going to be open, vulnerable and amazing!

Free Finga: a performer and songwriter Free Finga or Tomas Narkevičius has received millions of Youtube hits. That said, success and fame came after long hours in the studio and many many failures. From rough times in Berlin to what's happening in his mind right now. Come to listen to his story and get to know the real Tomas behind Finga!

It's going to be a night to remember!

This event is hosted in Lithuanian language.

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