Valsts: Starptautisks
Valoda: Latviešu

EFT-Tapping with Anna Maria Aicher


EFT is often described as “emotional acupuncture without the needles”. According to Gary Craig, the inventor of EFT, “the cause of all negative emotion is a disruption in the body’s energy system”.

By tapping on meridian points, an impulse is sent that rebalances the energy system in relation to the specific issue being targeted and which helps restore the body-mind-spirit connection to a state of harmony.



The Bowen Technique treats the person not the condition. As it works by stimulating the self-healing process, you can use it on almost everything. The Bowen practitioner does not make a diagnosis or interfere with medical treatment. In case a problem persists after a few Bowen sessions, the client should seek medical attention.


Tickets: Till 14th of August 10 Eur after 15 Eur


More informtion:


Disclaimer: Neither EFT nor the Bowen Technique are substitutes for medical or psychological treatment. These techniques are not used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any psychological or physical disorder. If after a few sessions symptoms persist, you are requested to seek the appropriate medical advice.

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