Rejon: Stany Zjednoczone
Język: Polski

Social Experiment X ga11ery: EVERYONE'S NIGHT

Let's make it a tradition: a social gathering once per every exhibition at the ga11ery. This is round 4! Last time it was "round 2" since I skipped one by accident haha. Everyone is welcome. 💋


7:00PM - 9:00PM

socialising, sipping (BYOB - bring your own booze) & looking at the collective exhibition of life drawings made during Wednesday workshops organised by Void & Form studio. If you want to learn or improve drawing skills, you can attend those workshops too (look for the studio or ga11erija on Instagram).

PRICE: €7 via Paysera or €10 on the door (we will treat you to 1 drink, but please keep in mind this is a BYOB event).

DRESS CODE: be yourself, express yourself! If you want to wear any colour - red or purple will be perfect! ✨

NEXT EVENT: only in autumn!


EVERYONE IS WELCOME to the social experiment of adult communication.

Are we capable of making new friendships? Do we dare talking to a stranger at any place or situation? What if a stranger is not that strange after all? Can we still have fun on a Tuesday night even if the student days are long gone?

If you feel stuck in your daily routine or want some fresh flesh in your friend circles, we dearly invite you to come to the experiment: a casual evening at an art gallery where, we bet you, every single person in the room knows someone you know. Which basically means you are all friends that have never met before and only need to start talking to each other without feeling like a shyest weirdo. You can come alone but you won't be lonely. We promise.


EVERYONE IS WELCOME: friends, strangers, lovers, singles, couples, loners, aliens, extroverts & introverts. Come to connect & reconnect.

Standing in the corner by yourself will also be acceptable, since - we repeat ourselves - EVERYONE IS WELCOME. Let’s be weird together & have fun! 🤪


Your participation is 🗝




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