Regiune: Anguilla
Limbă: Română

VI International Congress ISFT "Forest and its Potential for Health"



SPA VILNIUS Druskininkai, K. Dineikos gatvė, Druskininkai, Druskininkų sav., Lietuva

Sesiunea se încheie în: :
Regular (All included)
Regular (without networking event and farewell dinner)
Early bird
Studentiškas (viskas įskaičiuota)
Early bird
(naujas bilietas)
*A copy of the student ID will be required
Networking event + Farewell dinner
Special networking event featuring a farewell dinner with congress speakers and participants on the 19th of September
Prețul comenzii:
{[{ cartVM.sumBeforeDiscountLocalized }]}
Sumă discount:
{[{ cartVM.discountAmountLocalized }]}
Preț final:
{[{ cartVM.discountedSumLocalized }]}