Regiune: Estonia
Limbă: Română


If you need an invoice for institution, please write an email to secretariat:

Registration fees SIOPEN AGM 2024

Until 17 of June, registration is only allowed for SIOPEN members. From that date on, it will be possible for anyone interested (members, non-members from SIOPEN countries, and non-members from non-SIOPEN countries and pharma).

EARLY registration until 17 of July: (25% discount for early registrations, until 3 months before the AGM)
Price with 25% discount:

  • 150 € for SIOPEN members
  • 150 € participants from Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
  • 225 € for non-members from SIOPEN countries
  • 300 € for non-members from non-SIOPEN countries and pharma
  • 30€ dinner (Thursday)

LATE registration from 18 of July:

  • 200€ for SIOPEN members
  • 200 € participants from Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
  • 300€ for non-members from SIOPEN countries
  • 400€ for non-members from non-SIOPEN countries and pharma
  • 30€ dinner (Thursday)

If you need an invoice, please write an email to secretariat:


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