Regiune: Internaţional
Limbă: Română

The 29th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO29)

The CEWQO conference series started in early 1990s in Central Europe and gradually evolved into one of most popular annual meetings of European scientists interested in foundations and applications of quantum optics. Quantum optics gave birth to quantum information and continues to be the driving force to design innovative theoretical and experimental approaches. The objective of this year’s CEWQO is to explore emerging topics and inspire advancements that extend beyond current quantum technologies. 

The 29th edition of the Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO2029) will take place on 23 June – 27 June, 2025 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

CEWQO covers a broad range of topics within modern quantum optics.


Early Bird until 30/04/2025:

Delegates  - 470,00 €
Students -  320,00 €
Conference dinner (25 of June) - 65,00 € contributed participants and accompanying persons (if any)
Conference dinner (25 of June) - 0 € invited speakers

Regular Until 20/05/2025:

Delegates  - 550,00 €
Students  -  380,00 €
Conference dinner (25 of June) - 65,00 € contributed participants  and accompanying persons (if any)
Conference dinner (25 of June) - 0 € invited speakers


Delegates  - 600,00 €
Students  -  420,00 €

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