Регион: Эстония
Язык: русский

Festival MĖNUO JUODARAGIS XXIV – the Final edition!



Island of lake Duburys, Zarasai district, Lituania

Оставшееся время: :
Full MJR XXIV ticket
The ticket is valid for one person all days of the Festival.
Билеты распроданы
MJR XXIV FAMILY ticket (with preteen children)
Ticket shall be used by a one family – one or two adult persons and children up to 12 (twelve) years old (inclusive). The ticket is valid all festival days.
Билеты распроданы
Стоимость заказа:
{[{ cartVM.sumBeforeDiscountLocalized }]}
{[{ cartVM.discountAmountLocalized }]}
Конечная цена:
{[{ cartVM.discountedSumLocalized }]}