Регион: Литва
Язык: русский

Amber Burn 2024 ARTINUS 2024-07-04 - 2024-07-07

Amber Burn is a regional Burning Man community gathering in Lithuania that is organized and run entirely by volunteers, following the ten principles of Burning Man. It is where what happens is up to the community. Imagine immersing yourself in an artistic world that offers the chance to step out of our everyday life, be what you always wanted to be, create what you always wanted to create.

Why not try something new? Support a project you like with your wicked ideas, knowledge, and skills. We have the spectacular city of ǟʍɮɛʀ ɮʊʀռ rising up this summer and the time is getting closer!

Without each of us, it would be impossible to make our temporary city happen. And while making it happen, we have a lot of fun and make new friends. Volunteering is possible at different stages. Starting with planning and preparation already now. Then build the city. During the gathering, we need everyone's help at different places, and finally, we will have to leave the event without a trace.

We need everybody's contribution to fill the streets with life, workshops, costumes, performances, and art. It’s a co-creative gathering where we focus on community, self-expression, and self-reliance. Check our website and social media to see what leading roles are still available, follow for the updates to register for the program, and information if Theme Camps are still accepting members. Theme Camps are a vital energy of our temporal city. Whatever your passion is—music, art, spirituality, food, learning, sports, recycling, dancing, or subcultures—connect with like-minded individuals and offer an interactive experience to your fellow citizens. Join a Theme Camp or gather your tribe and register your Theme Camp.

Let's celebrate life!

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