Region: Lithuania
Sprache: German

Storytelling in filmmaking workshop «Strangerness» by Eric Vander Bourght

Storytelling in filmmaking workshop «Strangerness» by Eric Vander Bourght

«Strangerness» (stranger-ness) will cover various aspects of filmmaking. We'll discuss the power of film to tell stories and connect with audiences on an emotional level. Eric will present some examples of his work as a filmmaker, including "Out of Place", a short documentary film about Nathan who is a "stranger in town", as part of an ongoing project on refugees. Also, participants will be invited to tell a story of strangerness through a short film of their own making and to share it (in a week or two later) at the next session.

About the speaker:

Eric is an all-round filmmaker, and an expert in dramaturgy and artistic advice, whose collaborations with directors have earned accolades like an Oscar nomination and the honor of opening the IDFA festival, among other awards. His career spans decades, covering documentary filmmaking, music, web videos, commercials, and corporate films. He's skilled in directing, filming, editing, and photography, and has global experience, with shoots completed in over 50 countries.


Date: 23 April, 19:00

Entrance: 10 euro

Venue: CreateCulture Studio

The number of places is limited.

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