Region: Bulgaria
Language: English




Transformation training online


2020.10.17 - 18


This training may change your life! 


Module topics:

1. Overcoming internal obstacles

2. Unleashing potential

3. Principles of successful relationships

4. Realization of vocation


Dates:  17 - 18 October

Timetable (London & Dublin time)

Saturday (17th)
8.00 - 10.00, break, 12.00 - 14.00 

Sunday (18th)
8.00 - 11.00, break, 13.00 - 15.00, break, 16.00 - 18.00 

Time difference in h: Paris +1, Berlin +1, Madrid +1, Rome +1, Warsaw +1, Stockholm +1, Vilnius, Moscow, Helsinki +2 

Los Angeles -8, New York -5, Tokyo +8, Delhi +4,5 Canberra +9

Could be slightly changed/shifted, especially on Sunday afternoon. Duration all together approx. 11 hours.


Location: ONLINE via ZOOM platform

Access to the training records for 1 month for attendees will be available!

General language of webinar: Russian - WITH TRANSLATIONS TO: EN, DE, FR, LT, PL 

Price: till 2nd Oct 49 Eur, till 9th Oct 59 Eur, till 16th Oct 69 Eur


About (two days practical) webinar:

You can work out with any situations that are relevant to you

People come to Oleg Gadetsky with different requests and problems in this training:

- with family, financial issues, job search, the desire to find their vocation and nature;

- with uncertainty, fears, resentments;

- with relationships with parents and children, leaders and subordinates, man-woman relationships and many others.

The problems are so different that it would seem that each of them needs a separate specialist.

Everyone works with their own problematic situation

Each time one can only be surprised at how deeply, delicately, subtly, acting like a real "surgeon of human destiny", Oleg Gadetsky helps everyone to understand their inner complexities. It is not easy to understand them, as well as to solve them directly at the training. This is an extraordinary skill, proven by thousands of real results. We can wonder how a problem that people have been carrying for decades is solved in one / two hours of work.

What is even more important: working with one person, Oleg simultaneously launches processes for hundreds of people sitting in the hall or participating online. It seems like a miracle that simply cannot happen. But this is how it works. Each person attending the training works with himself, with his actual problematic circumstances under the guidance of Oleg Gadetsky. And the common atmosphere of participants strengthens the processes additionally.

What is the SECRET?

"What is the secret of such a successful work as a coach?" - you may ask. The secret is in the unique method of psychological practice, the author of which is Oleg Gadetsky. It is a method of value-based psychology (VBP).

The value-based approach is a conceptually new method for solving psychological problems. It summarizes the achievements of world psychology and formulates the universal principles of psychological practice. It has no analogues in its effectiveness. Not only will you be able to work through the problems that bother you, but you will also unlock your personal potential, which will lead to positive changes in all areas of life.

The training takes place in a sincere, trusting atmosphere, in which it is easy to look inside yourself and find new friends and like-minded people. According to the reviews of many participants, this training is one of the brightest events in their life!

The training will allow you to:

Get to know yourself

To get to know yourself better, your strengths and weaknesses, to find the cause of failures and a way out of them.

To cope with pain

In a safe environment, under the guidance of Oleg Gadetsky, you will be able to relive the painful events of your life, revise them, see manifestations of the Loving Power in them, turn them into a resource for life in the present and future.

To start living your happy life

Oleg Gadetsky's training is an opportunity to feel, understand, discover the potential of your personality, your qualities, talents, strengths, abilities and desires. To find strength and inspiration to live your life happily and successfully right now.

To find contact with power

After the training, you will have the strength and capabilities to implement even the most daring plans, achieve your goals, realize your true desires and dreams.

To find your integrity and a picture of the future

In a healthy and safe training (virtual) space, you can work out your fears, inner injuries, shortcomings, guilt and all difficult situations for you. Deep practice will allow you to gain self-confidence, integrity, understanding where and how to move further on.

To change your destiny

This is your chance to change not just one or two difficult situations, but your entire way of thinking. You will look at your life differently. No wonder there is a saying – “If you want to change your destiny - change the way of your thinking.

To learn to act in life

You will receive a tremendous charge of energy to transform your life and specific techniques that you can further apply in your life. You will feel the results of working with your complicated situations already during the training itself.

To undergo the path together

You will feel the "group effect" that arises when a whole room of participants with similar problems and difficulties is working. The experience of other people will be a reliable support, help and resource for you!


About Oleg Gadetsky


Creator of the method of value-based (oriented) psychology


Famous writer and lecturer in many countries

Participant of many TV and Radio shows.

Rector of the Institute for Value-Based Psychology.

For 15 years of teaching, he has graduated more than 2000 students who successfully help people overcome their life difficulties in more than 30 countries around the world.

 Author of the books "The best psychological techniques, or what to do when you are unlucky?", "The laws of destiny or three steps to success and happiness", "The light of knowledge", "God has no rules", "Value-based psychology: a universal approach to solving psychological problems ".

Founder and head of the international educational project "Psychology of the Third Millennium".

President of the Association "Value-Based Psychology", Head of the "Value-Based Psychology and Psychotherapy" modality in the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (APPL)

Author of the training "The Laws of Destiny or the Art of Living", which is still one of the illustrious and most popular international training programs. To date, the online audience of this training has exceeded 5 million people.


Men & Women -

(English subtitles):

Our consciousness determines our reality -

About process (method) of training -

Episode Laws of Destiny - 

Algorithm for success and happiness - 

The event organiser takes responsibility for the quality of the event. The organiser will make a decision regarding the refund if the event does not take place or is postponed. For more detailed information on circumstances and refunds, please refer to the Event-Related Circumstances