How To Create Rigid Setup Boxes: Customizing Rigid Packages
Rigid setup boxes are one of the most popular packaging solutions for businesses looking to get their items out there. These packages offer a durable, professional appearance that is sure to impress your customers and increase your sales! However, if you're just starting off with these boxes you might be unsure how they work or why they're so popular.
That's where this blog post comes in! We'll go over what rigid set up boxes are and how to create them, as well as answer questions about different styles and customization options available. Hopefully by the end of this article you will have all the information necessary to start using rigid setup boxes in your business!
There are many types of packaging, but the most common is rigid. Rigid setup boxes are typically made of corrugated fiberboard and can be customized to fit any size object. The biggest question that people have about these packages is "how do you make one?"

Rigid setup boxes are a great way to store and display items. These boxes come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Here we will discuss how rigid setup boxes are created, what types of rigid setup boxes exist, and how they can be customized.
How Are Rigid Boxes Crafted?
There are many types of packaging, but the most common is rigid. Custom rigid setup boxes are typically made of corrugated fiberboard and can be customized to fit any size object. The biggest question that people have about these packages is "how do you make one?" This blog post will go into more detail on that topic!
How To Customize Rigid Packages?
There are many types of rigid boxes, each with their own specific uses. Let's take a look at the different styles! These include regular pressboard boxes, heavy-duty wall mountable boxes, high cube and low profile options.
Regular pressboard boxes; this style is used in all standard shipping applications where you would typically find a box. These 9 piece rigid set up boxes can be easily customized and are the most common style of rigid package available.
Different Types Of Rigid Setup Boxes
High Cube And Low Profile Options
This style is used in all standard shipping applications where you would typically find a box. These rigid set up boxes can be easily customized and are the most common style of rigid package available.
Heavy-Duty Wall Mountable Boxes
These particular packages are perfect for when your product needs to be mounted onto a wall. The box itself is made of two separate parts, with the top part being thicker than the bottom piece to allow for proper stacking. These rigid setup boxes are typically used in commercial settings and can be customized into almost any size or shape that you require!
High Cube Rigid Boxes
These custom rigid setup boxes have increased height which allows them to hold a greater quantity of weight. This style is typically used by companies that ship things like appliances or other larger goods, as having an increased height allows for these large pieces to be contained more safely and securely!
Low Profile Rigid Boxes
These 9 piece rigid set up boxes are the thinnest option on our list and have their own set of uses. These boxes are typically used for smaller items, like shoes or books. They can also be used in some commercial settings where space is an issue!
How Can Rigid Boxes Be Customized?
All of our packages come fully customizable with different options to choose from when it comes to size and shape. These include:
Collapsible Depth - This is the thickness of the box measured from front to back. The standard size for this measurement is called "F".
Width & Length - These measurements are self-explanatory and can be found in inches or centimeters depending on your preference. Depth - Not all boxes need to be sizable, so if you're looking for a package that has a specific depth that you cannot find in our stock selection, we can create it for you!
Custom Printing - All of the packages on our site are customizable with your own logo and/or design. If you need to add some branding or other information onto one of these boxes we can make them look exactly how they should! Heavy duty wall mountable boxes are custom to suit any need.
Digital Printing For Rigid Setup Boxes
You can print your brand logo on rigid setup boxes with the help of digital printing. It is a cost effective and reliable way of printing.
On the other hand, there is offset printing which is also used for printing of rigid setup boxes. It is a traditional way of printing and involves use of plates to print on the box.
Here are some common questions people ask about digital or offset printing:
What Is Better - Digital Or Offset?
This depends entirely on how many products you want to make, what kind of design you need for your product and what budget you have.
What Is The Cost Difference Between Digital Printing And Offset?
Many people wonder about how much it costs to print rigid boxes through each method; this depends on which company or manufacturer you use, but typically there isn't a significant price change between the two methods.
These particular packages are perfect for when your product needs to be mounted onto a wall. The box itself is made of two separate parts, with the top part being thicker than the bottom piece to allow for proper stacking. These boxes are typically used in commercial settings and can be customized into almost any size or shape that you require!
These rigid boxes have increased height which allows them to hold a greater quantity of weight. This style is typically used by companies that ship things like appliances or other larger goods, as having an increased height allows for these large pieces to be contained more safely and securely!

This box has the thinnest design out of all the options on our list. This style is typically used for smaller items, like shoes or books. They can also be used in some commercial settings where space is an issue!
Pack Your Products In Stylishly Created Custom Rigid Setup Boxes
Rigid setup boxes are a simple and cost effective way to make your products look professional in any setting. Printed with your brand logo, these custom packages will be sure to leave an impression on customers.
With all of the customization options available, you can pick whichever design best suits what you need for your product or company! Are there any other questions about rigid setup boxes that we haven't answered? Let us know by commenting below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.