Region: International
Language: English

Ant Bangos 2023

Jubiliejinė, dešimta šventinių apimčių banga skalaus šiaurinį Nidos paplūdimį Liepos 20 — 24 dienomis ir naktimis. 


Jubilee the tenth wave will wash the shores of Nida from July 20 to 24.

Aleksandr L, Clicklounge, DJ Hell, Eclair Fifi, Fatnotronic aka Phillipi, Less Feeling, Mary Lake, Monika Seta, Mountak, Tadas Quazar, Tumosa, Aiste Regina, AliA, Alicia Carrera, Carl Craig, Colleen 'Cosmo' Murphy, Donatas Chipak, Donato Dozzy, Dreems, Hìldå, Gemayel, Ivan Smagghe, Manfredas, Oyster, Patricia Kokett, Roe Deers, Saulty, Simas Slabačiauskas, Thomas Von Party, V, Youwin Trax, ZW_J



Festivalis vadovaujasi vidaus taisyklėmis ir pasilieka teisę nepakviesti užeiti be papildomo paaiškinimo. / The festival reserves the right to refuse entry.

Bilietai yra nekeičiami ir atgal negrąžinami. 

The event organiser takes responsibility for the quality of the event. The organiser will make a decision regarding the refund if the event does not take place or is postponed. For more detailed information on circumstances and refunds, please refer to the Event-Related Circumstances

Event location

Nida, Neringos savivaldybė, Lietuva