Region: International
Language: English

gėda x bucktooth tiger x džemas

uždegam vilnių.


DŽEMAS: emocingo shoegazo ir šaižaus punko sąlytis su melancholiškais vokalais. Kuriantys muziką sau ir tokiems kaip mes, kurie bando prisitaikyti kasdienybėje. Mylim<3


BUCKTOOTH TIGER: we play da music (with instruments) :) <3


GĖDA: alt roko trio. Skundžiasi, triukšmauja, gyvuoja.



where: Lineup, Vilnius 

when: 10.05

doors: 19:00 

sound: 20:00 


tickets: 7eur 


be there or be square.

The event organiser takes responsibility for the quality of the event. The organiser will make a decision regarding the refund if the event does not take place or is postponed. For more detailed information on circumstances and refunds, please refer to the Event-Related Circumstances

Event location

Line Up, Geležinkelio gatvė 6, Vilnius, Vilniaus m. sav., Lietuva