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Tips and tricks to help you master Fortnite on your smartphone

Epic Games' Fortnite has taken the world by storm, spawning a gigantic, Hunger Games–style shooter that relies on both quick shooting abilities and the ability to build structures that give you an advantage in battle. Fortnite's smartphone and tablet versions take similar concepts to a new medium, and winning battles necessitates a few new abilities, such as mastering touch controls and adjusting to a smaller screen.

Here are nine Fortnite mobile tips to help you climb the ranks to victory with Free V Bucks Generator. Making a smartphone version of Fortnite — which is available on iOS and Android — necessitates adjusting the game's pretty intricate controls to work on a touchscreen. In a variety of ways, the interface alters how players approach the game. Mastering the game on a phone entails knowing what you're capable of now that you're playing the portable version, understanding your limitations, and competing against other players' handicaps.

Controls should be learned and practiced

Fortnite for iOS and Android is very identical to the game on other platforms, which is why mobile players may use the game's crossplay functionality to compete against players on PC and console versions. The main change is the control method of the mobile game. To do everything, it employs virtual buttons on the device's touchscreen. To put it another way, even seasoned Fortnite players will have to relearn the game's controls.

A virtual joystick on the left side of the screen allows you to move your avatar. Swiping anywhere on the right side of your screen turns your character, essentially turning your camera or controlling your aim, and touching anywhere on the right side of your screen fires your pistol or uses the item you've picked. When you're running around, there are a couple more virtual buttons on the right side of the screen: One for jumping and the other for crouching, which slows you down and makes you move more silently. There's also a crosshair icon on the button that allows you to convert from conventional third-person mode to a closer aiming view, allowing you to look down your gun's sight and improve accuracy. If your gun has a scope, you can use the same button to gaze through it.

It is strongly advised that you select the Auto-Fire preset control scheme. This will tweak your interface slightly, but it has one major benefit: you won't have to push a button to start shooting your weapon. Instead, the game will automatically start shooting for you once an adversary is within your crosshairs. This means you'll only have to concentrate on keeping them in front of you instead of fiddling with aiming with one finger and pressing the Fire button with the other.

You can change guns or other goods in your inventory simply tapping the one you wish. You may open a wider inventory menu by clicking the backpack icon to the left of your inventory, where you can drop stuff you don't want. A little button for reloading your guns is located above your inventory.

A button next to your inventory switches to a second menu of controls specialized to constructing. When you press that button, your inventory will be replaced with the various build elements available in the game. You'll also see a little menu containing each of the three building materials you're holding, which you can press to swap between. If necessary, you can rotate components using a button on the upper right of the screen. On the right side of the screen, there's also a "edit" button with a blueprint-like icon. If your structures require it, you can use the edit option to add doors or windows. Tap anywhere on the right side of the screen to create the structure in front of your character. You should spend some time getting familiar to where all of the controls are located so that you can utilize them as rapidly as possible in high-pressure situations.

Adjust the sensitivity of your touch controls

Fortnite's touch controls differ significantly from those on consoles and computers, particularly when it comes to the camera. In Fortnite, you'll spend the majority of your time moving about and scanning for people as much as possible, which means a lot of swiping away at your screen to move the camera around. Pay attention to how fast or slow the camera needs to move in the first few rounds to be effective for you. Faster turning with shorter swipes is usually preferable for altering your motions or spinning around on someone sneaking up on you, but if the camera moves too quickly, you'll miss faraway players while searching the horizon on an already small screen.

It's a good idea to experiment with your camera settings to discover the best compromise. There are three touch-sensitivity options available here: One for your regular camera, one for "aiming down sights" (ADS), and one much more sensitive for aiming down a weapon's scope.

Put on your headphones

Your ability to hear things before you see them is nearly always your finest asset in battle royale games. When playing Fortnite on a phone, however, you might be tempted to turn off the sound, especially if you're trying to play in public. Epic foresaw this possibility by including a visual indicator that shows you where sounds are coming from on-screen. While it is beneficial, there is no substitute for the spatial information gained from hearing what is going on around you.

If at all feasible, you should always play Fortnite on your phone while using headphones. The higher the quality of your hearing aids, the better your chances of getting the upper hand on other players, especially if they can't hear you. Headphones will help you have a better understanding of the world around you, and they will almost certainly save your life in certain situations.

Visual cues that are new and how to use them

As previously stated, Fortnite reduces the importance of sound on smartphones by providing visual clues to your heads-up display that indicate you where sounds are coming from and their distance. Even if you're wearing headphones, you'll want to devote a significant amount of time to observing these indicators and learning how to analyze them rapidly. Knowing where a sound originates might provide you with a wealth of information about another player's location, allowing you to potentially sneak up on them and gain an advantage in a fight. When combined with the ability to hear what the other player is doing, you can potentially draw a bead on them considerably faster than in previous versions of the game.

Use auto-run when you're covering a lot of ground

In Fortnite, keeping your head on a swivel is crucial. Exploring a large amount of space, as in most battle royale games, is what keeps the game intriguing, but it also means that attacks and assailants can come at you from any direction. Worse, touch controls necessitate sacrificing your ability to see areas of the screen in order to maneuver your character with your thumbs. When you put your hand on the moving sticks or adjust your aim, you can miss something because your thumbs are covering it.

Epic included an option that isn't available in the PC or console versions of Fortnite to deal with the reality that you spend a lot of time running around the large map: auto-run. Double-tapping the control stick on the left side of the screen causes your character to flee in the direction they're facing, allowing you to focus on other things like scanning for loot or foes. Use auto-run to free up space on your screen by removing your thumbs off it. Similarly, you may want to play Fortnite on mobile a little slower than you would on a PC or console to allow you to glance around more. Swiping the screen while auto-running leads your character to turn in a new direction, which means you'll be meandering around a lot simply to look back. Choose close destinations and short, rapid runs so you can examine your surroundings and make frequent stops to ensure no one is after you.

Learn how to construct quickly

The mobile version of Fortnite, like other platforms, can only show you a limited number of on-screen buttons at any given moment. To begin building, press the dedicated button on the screen to enter "build mode." When playing on mobile, the need to switch to create objects and then try to add staircases, floors, walls, and roofs using the somewhat less responsive touch controls can cause some players to ignore this important component of the game.

However, don't sleep on the building. The ability to create on the fly is what distinguishes competent Fortnite players from great Fortnite players, whether they're competing against other phone gamers or competing in cross-platform. Building walls can protect you from incoming shots, while constructing staircases that allow you to rise above other players can offer you a significant advantage in firefights. Building also allows you to quickly navigate the game's map by avoiding obstacles. In summary, construction is crucial to being a successful Fortnite player, and you'll need to practice it if you want to be a really high-level player, regardless of the system you're using.

Keep your fights close to the ground

The problem with playing Fortnite on a smartphone screen, or even a larger device like an iPad, is that shooting anything at range is impossible. Ranged combat in Fortnite is already a little less reliable than in other battle royale games, and on a small mobile screen with touch controls, you'll have a hard time landing many shots at long ranges — but you will notify the opposing player.

Instead of assault rifles, shotguns are a better choice. When you fight up close, you don't have to focus as much on targeting and can make better use of the screen. You'll be more likely to win battles and spend less time in tense situations adjusting pixel-sized aim changes.

When fighting, use the aim down sights control

In general, aiming in the mobile version of Fortnite is less intuitive than it is on the console or PC versions. You can quickly draw your gun up for the easier ADS (aim down sights) mode with a joystick or a mouse in your hand, allowing you to get more precision out of your firearms. The ADS button on your touchscreen, which looks like a crosshair to the left of the crouch button, toggles between your completely mobile third-person vision and a closer, over-the-shoulder view. It reduces your movement speed automatically, therefore it's tempting to try to shoot on foes with more precise targeting in order to keep your mobility.

However, with a smaller mobile screen and less precise controls than on a console or PC, you'll need all the aid you can get to strike the other players you're aiming at. Because of the looseness of the touch controls, firing from the hip is at best sporadic, even at close range. When fighting other individuals, especially if you have the upper hand, your best bet is to simply hit them with everything you have as quickly as possible. Remember that other mobile players have the same handicaps as you, thus accuracy is even more critical. Whoever can land the most bullets wins, and firing without aiming with touch controls will almost certainly result in you wasting valuable shots.

Don't be hesitant to fire from the hip if your target becomes overly friendly and you're only a few yards away. When you aim down the sights on a nearby target, it's nearly impossible to keep them in view, resulting in a frustrating death and premature elimination.

Activate the Tap to Search/Interact feature

Users who play Fortnite on a smartphone will come across the same stuff they would on a PC or PlayStation 4. Smartphone gamers, on the other hand, will notice that the game automatically accumulates those goods. This automated collection could save you time and effort. However, grabbing everything you see in the landscape may become a pain over time.

In Fortnite, a player's inventory can only hold a few items from each object category, including weapons, health items, and other stuff. Because of the restricted storage capacity, players must carefully consider which items to bring. While you may want to pick up every object you see, once your storage is filled, you won't be able to dump that item if you see anything better.

Turn on "Tap to Search/Interact" under Settings to get around the inventory problem. Settings can be found on the menu by selecting the gear symbol in the upper-right corner of your screen. After you've enabled it, your character will be able to store items on purpose. However, getting used to this feature may take some time, so experiment with it.

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