Region: International
Language: English

V18 ATVIRA ERDVĖ’24 | Chris Leaney | Single Use Productions - “Life Boat”


Dad and Daughter are stranded at sea.

Waves rock their boat.

Some waves come gently. How many stars are out there? Could carrot really go on pizza?

Some waves hit hard. Will we ever be saved? What is living for? Why did you let me go?

All waves they hoped to encounter whilst they shared the safety of solid ground.

Rather than the treacherous open ocean in their slowly disintegrating Life Boat.

Chris Leaney – Performer / Writer
Zygintas Papartis - Director
Alvydas Maciulskas – Composer / Sound Designer

Ticket price: 14 euros

The project is partially funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.


Tėtis ir dukra dreifuoja jūroje.

Bangos sūpuoja jų valtį.

Kai kurios bangos atsimuša švelniai. Kiek žvaigždžių yra virš mūsų? O morką tikrai galima dėti ant picos?

Kai kurios bangos smogia stipriau. Ar mus kada nors išgelbės? Koks gyvenimo tikslas? Kodėl mane paleidai?

Visus šiuos bangavimus jie tikėjosi pasitikti stovėdami sausumos prieglobstyje, o ne lėtai yrančioje Gyvenimo Valtyje, grėsmingos jūros viduryje.

Chris Leaney – Atlikėjas / Autorius
Žygintas Papartis – Režisierius
Alvydas Mačiulskas – Kompozitorius / Garso dizaineris

Bilieto kaina - 14 eur.

Projektą dalinai finansuoja Lietuvos Kultūros taryba.

The event organiser takes responsibility for the quality of the event. The organiser will make a decision regarding the refund if the event does not take place or is postponed. For more detailed information on circumstances and refunds, please refer to the Event-Related Circumstances

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