Piirkond: Bulgaaria
Keel: Eesti

Vazduharia - Fifth Festival of Free Flight

Welcome to the Fifth edition of Vazduharia or "Airheads" - the festival of free flying near Sopot, Bulgaria! By buying a ticket, you support the organisation of this one-of-a-kind meeting for lovers of flying, nature and freedom. 

You can also pre-purchase a voucher for a tandem panoramic or acro paraglider flight, as well as a free hot air balloon flight. In case of unsuitable weather conditions during the festival days, the vouchers are valid for 1 year. 

Between 6 and 8 September you will be able to enjoy a rich program that includes: a carnival in the air - paraglider flights with makeshift costumes, acrobatic demonstrations, tandem flights, parachutist demonstrations, ballooning, G-force carousel, outdoor cinema with short and long air and flight movies, a workshop for making airplanes and kites, a drone race, an art and music program, and more.

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