Piirkond: Lithuania
Keel: Estonian

Knowledge to Creating new Business Opportunities

Business over Breakfast Global inviting you to 

Business over Breakfast Latvia inviting you to 2 Years Anniversary celebration with special guest speakers Juris Grikis & Vigants Lesausks

We scheduled to hold event on Thursday, March 12th at 8 AM at Hilton Garden Inn Hotel Riga,Grecinieku 25,Riga, Latvia 

The event is specifically mixture of our business organisation 2 years anniversary with two special guest speakers for our business partners, business leaders, CEO'S,entrepreneurs and high profile clients. The event include breakfast, glass of champagne, cake, networking and guest speakers

You will have the opportunity to meet new business contacts, leads, clients and customers; and promote your services and products. It will allow you to meet owners and decision makers from other businesses; gain knowledge and expertise from one another whilst exchanging business leads and referrals. 

We have special guests speakers sharing their business stories

-Juris Grikis -Nakts Mebeles
Owner and Head of furniture and mattress manufacturer Marks M, creator of brands Nakts mēbeles, Pils matraci and Heavens. Member of Association Latvijas mēbeles
(Latvian Furniture)

Vigants Lesausks
Author of book Life of Salesperson 
Head of Revenue at Printify
Founder of Unicorn Sales-Professional Training & Coaching 

Please confirm your attendance latest by March 5th 2020 on link below.


BoB Global team


8:00 Welcome guests and members

8:05 Business over Breakfast Global Story

8:20 Breakfast and Networking

9:00 What is taking to be successful in your business 

9:40 Life of Salesperson by Vigants Lesausks

10:20 Happy Birthday Business over Breakfast Global

10:40 Networking

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