Piirkond: Leedu
Keel: Eesti

Social Experiment X ga11ery: ARTSY SOCIAL

Let's make it a tradition: a social gathering once per every exhibition at the ga11ery. Everyone is welcome. 💋


8:00PM - 10PM

socialising, sipping (BYOB - bring your own booze) & looking at Stasys Petrauskas erotic drawings made in the 70's - Soviet Lithuania times when "it" didn't exist.

PRICE: €5 via paysera or €10 on the door (we will treat you to 1 drink, but please keep in mind this is a BYOB event)



I want to go to Nijinsky Cabaret after, so anyone attending the artsy social can join me (Find tickets here: https://tickets.paysera.com/lt/event/grande-cabaret-nijinsky-friday-98e6)


DRESS CODE: be yourself, express yourself & don't be afraid to dress up a little, especially if you're joining for the cabaret! 💃🕺




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