Piirkond: Leedu
Keel: Eesti

Video & Social Media Marketing International Conference /European Digital Week 2020/

"Video & Social Media Marketing
International Conference"

VIRTUAL EVENT: 23-24.09.2020

Website: https://vsmmic.com/


The Video & Social Media Marketing International Conference brings together marketing, media, and technology professionals with a curiosity and passion for new ideas, innovations, and emerging trends in social media. The digital and social media landscape continues to change at an unprecedented pace. What’s cutting-edge today may be passé tomorrow.

The Video & Social Media Marketing International Conference is a new way of thinking that will prepare you for a radically different future. Join Chief Marketing Officers, Directors of Content Strategy, Digital Transformation Leaders, and more senior professionals to put the theory to the test at this summit and walk away with all the practical skills you need to drive digital transformation across your organization.


ЖWebsite: https://vsmmic.com/


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