ქვეყანა: საერთაშორისო
ენა: ქართული

Build a website that sells!

It's easy to create a website. Long gone are the days when you needed to hire a developer and invest BIG money in starting an online shop. You can do it yourself! Tonight. In a few hours! It's easy to choose from designer pre-made templates and end up with an ace looking page. 

However (there's always a however!), do you know what strategy is needed to create a website that really sells your products?We've invited 2 guest speakers to coach us. 

Manilla's Head of Marketing Monika Petravičiūtė will share what worked for one of the fastest growing cosmetics brands in Lithuania, and what day to day website and social media strategy they've created to keep the sales numbers up and growing. We've also invited Arūnė Kolodzeiskė, Head of Design at Zyro.com, to tell us what major design mistakes to avoid, and what latest trends she's spotted. 

Tickets are free yet limited availability. We aim to keep this event small not only because of the global pandemic, but also because it's nice to get to know people, have a few drinks, mingle and feel like you really do belong to a community. 

P.s. Don't yet have a website or think of changing it?  Head to Zyro.com and use code DOWHATYOULOVE to get 30% off.

ღონისძიების ორგანიზატორი პასუხისმგებელია ღონისძიების ხარისხზე. თუ ღონისძიება არ ჩატარდება ან გადაიდება, ორგანიზატორი მიიღებს გადაწყვეტილებას თანხის დაბრუნებასთან დაკავშირებით. გაუთვალისწინებელი გარემოებებისა და თანხის დაბრუნების შესახებ დამატებითი ინფორმაციის მისაღებად, გთხოვთ, გაეცნოთ Paysera Tickets-ის გამოყენების პირობებს.

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