ქვეყანა: საერთაშორისო
ენა: Georgian

Hydra Epic III

Hydra Epic trail - a 12 year product of many searchings and adventures. The trail starts in Druskininkai, near the border of Poland and Belarus, almost fully repeats the nearby water lines of rivers Nemunas, Neris or Žeimena, touching the best of nature parks, then lastly crosses the famous Gražutė regional park, then goes along the Latvian-Lithuanian border, crosses Latvia in Gauja river regional park and ends near swamps in Parnu, Estonia, Jõulumäe base. It traverses Lithuania and Latvia from south to north. The route has both technical cross country singletracks and long fast gravel parts, which go through most beautiful lithuanian and latvian cities and countryside towns and forests. Have some of best times exploring exquisite baltic nature and challenge yourself in endurance at the same time! Along the trail you will also have to visit a handful of cities in Lithuania and Latvia: Kaunas, Vilnius, Zarasai, Sigulda, Valmiera and etc. - for sure you will be surprised how close singletracks and city centers can be and at the same time how beautiful and untouched nature is in Baltic states! You will also have to check yourself in three time limited checkpoints where you will meet our volunteers.

Total distance: half - 700 or full -1250-1300km
Total ascend: 7 or ~10km
Total participants: up to 100.
Recommended: mountain bike or similar
Type: Single or pair.

Registration process: 

  1. Pay registration fee 15eur and register for selection until 2020-01-31
  2. Before 2020-02-18 you will get an email if you were selected to participate in the event.
  3. In case you're selected, you will have to pay 95eur more (in total 110eur) before 2020-04-30
  4. In case you were not selected, you might have a chance to join us later in second or third tier. You will not get back your registration fee (15eur).

When registering as a pair - buy two tickets at once, so we will know you as a pair.

The full track will be sent out to participants several days before the event.

What you get:

  • GPS route coordinates file (GPX format) - delivered to your email several days before event.
  • Participant plate ("number")
  • Livetracking service rent
  • Charged tracker (1300mAh battery) for 2-3 days (please have a powerbank for more).
  • Sponsors gifts
  • Tea & cookies at the finish site
  • Finisher T-shirt (delivered to Zarasai or Joulumae finish)
  • Full distance finishers can sleep in Joulumae camping houses.

Participants: 18 years and older.

Time limits are available in Facebook event description: Hydra Epic III Unsupported Bikepacking challenge

ღონისძიების ორგანიზატორი პასუხისმგებელია ღონისძიების ხარისხზე. თუ ღონისძიება არ ჩატარდება ან გადაიდება, ორგანიზატორი მიიღებს გადაწყვეტილებას თანხის დაბრუნებასთან დაკავშირებით. გაუთვალისწინებელი გარემოებებისა და თანხის დაბრუნების შესახებ დამატებითი ინფორმაციის მისაღებად, გთხოვთ, გაეცნოთ Paysera Tickets-ის გამოყენების პირობებს.

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