Regionas: Tarptautinis
Kalba: Lithuanian

Agile Tour Vilnius 2020. The New Normal

The biggest event about Agile project management and information systems development in Lithuania!

We invite you to the Agile Tour Lithuania 2020. The New Normal.

Regarding to COVID-19 global pandemic situation, Agile Tour Vilnius is changing its conception: we are transferring the whole conference online and adjusting this year’s conference theme to  The New Normal, its purpose – to reflect the massive changes that happened during this year.

To keep focus high, we will have two sessions:

  • 2020-10-28 – from 12 PM to 5 PM
  • 2020-10-29 – from 9 AM to 2 PM

The Agile Tour Lithuania is a nonprofit educational event which follows principles of the global Agile Tour initiative. It is organized by Agile Lithuania association, which unites Agile practitioners and enthusiasts from various companies in Lithuania.

Atsakomybę dėl renginio kokybės prisiima renginio organizatorius. Renginiui neįvykus ar nusikėlus, sprendimą dėl pinigų grąžinimo priima organizatorius. Detalesnę informaciją apie aplinkybes ir grąžinimus rasite čia: Su renginiu susijusios aplinkybės“