Valsts: Lithuania
Valoda: Latvian

V18 ATVIRA ERDVĖ’24 | Tautvydas Galkauskas | “How to Swim”

Spektaklio autorius ir atlikėjas Tautvydas Galkauskas
Spektaklio trukmė 50 min.

Author and performer of the play: Tautvydas Galkauskas
Duration of the play: 50 minutes.

I must apologize to Lithuanians because I’m writing everything in English. I’m doing it because stones understand only English, and some of them can also read this.In the world of entertainment, we are used to seeing human protagonists, but what if the main character in a show was a stone? Or should I call it rock? Well, it doesn’t matter. Surprisingly, there is a show out there that has taken this creative leap. This performance will focus on the main character in this show, a talented stone, and explore its physical appearance, talents, and abilities, as well as its impact on the other characters and the plot.At first glance, the stone may seem like a simple and unremarkable object. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that there is something special about it. The stone is rough and jagged, with a unique pattern of colors and lines that give it a distinctive appearance. It is also surprisingly heavy for its size, which adds to its mystique.Despite its inanimate nature, the stone possesses a multitude of talents and abilities. For one, it has an uncanny ability to sense the emotions and intentions of those around it, almost as if it were alive. It can also communicate with other objects, such as laptops and television, in a way that humans cannot.Humans are initially skeptical of its abilities and dismiss it as a mere rock. However, as theyspend more time with the stone and witness its incredible talents firsthand, they begin to see it in a new light. The stone becomes a symbol of hope and inspiration for them and its presence.

Atsiprašau visų lietuvių už anglišką tekstą ir naudojama anglų kalbą spektaklio metu. Akmuonemoka lietuviškai ir su juo galima susikalbėti tik angliškai. Todėl tekstas taip pat yra rašomas anglų kalba jeigu jį kartais skaitytu kiti akmenys.O dabar apie spektaklį: Galime iš tikrųjų rašyti, bet ką kadangi Akmuo nemoka lietuviškai.Angliškas aprašymas skamba gražiau, tačiau jis skirtas tik pamaloninti Akmenį. Jeigu noritegalite jį išsiversti patys. Tačiau aš atskleisiu jums paslaptį, kad pasinaudojau Akmeniudarydamas meninį tyrimą. Tyrimo pabaigoje priėjau išvadą, kad Akmuo yra negyvas objektas, jis tik apsimeta, kad kažką supranta ir jaučia. Juo negalima pasitikėti. Bet iš principo šiame spektaklyje Akmuo tiesiog mokosi plaukti.

Bilieto kaina - 15 eur.

Projektą dalinai finansuoja Lietuvos Kultūros taryba

Ticket price: 15 eur.

The project is partially funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.

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