Regiune: Lituania
Limbă: Română

Trip to North Cape

Your support is very important!!! Get on board!


We would like to invite you to become a part of our extreme challenge! A long drive from Lithuania to the northernmost point of Europe with a Vespa scooter, how crazy is that?! Our film crew will capture every adventurous moment!

Your participation is very important for us! Without you we cannot make this work! We will make sure your name is seen by thousands of people during the live broadcast!

- Live broadcast 24/7 (TV3PLAY, ARENAHD, YouTube, Facebook)!

- Freezing cold, never-ending excitement, slippery roads, overnight stay in nature, fun adventures and much more!

- We will drive through 5 countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway!

You may wonder, who is the crazy driver?

Is he the auto start? A celebrity? Someone unknown? We cannot tell, otherwise his wife will not let him go...Haha. Turn on the live broadcast and you will see!

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