Regiune: Internaţional
Limbă: Română

Stand Up Comedy Course

Stand Up Comedy Course

Think you’ve got some good jokes and can’t seem to land the joke? Want to go on stage and impress your friends? Have an important speech and want to write some jokes but are uncertain how to translate them on stage? Need overall help with going on stage?

Look no further! 

This course will give you insights on how to go on stage. The main topic will be doing stand-up. The three main topics we will be covering are writing jokes, confidence, and how to go on stage. The course will be done in two days. Each starts at 14:00 and ends at 17:00.

The first day will cover writing strategies. There will be a focus on the basics of writing jokes and how to find inspiration in everyday life.

The second day will cover going on stage and how to perform on stage. There will be focus on how to prepare for your first set and rules of the stage.

If you are interested, you can sign up for only one of those days, or you can sign up for both days!

This course will only have 10 students per class. Limited spots get your tickets while they last.

For the location, please email

About the teacher:

Benjamin McWilliams has been running English Comedy Shows in Vilnius. He has performed across Europe and in the United States. With over 200+ times on stage and hosting 60+, he has accumulated knowledge essential for someone interested in trying to go on stage.

The basic materials needed are:

A pen

A notebook

A sense of humor

Some Jokes

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