Regiune: Internaţional
Limbă: Română

Sveta Ben & Galina Ozeran | single release concert «Sgustok blyostok»

A collaboration of two Belarusian avant-pop scene legends, Sveta Ben (cabaret-band «Silver Wedding») and Galina Ozeran (Chikiss), two artists with affluent creative backgrounds. Within this duo, Sveta is responsible for poetry and music, while Galya is an arrangements and sound production wizard. Initially the show was called «Mirrorball» after the very first song that was co-written by Ben and Chikiss, when this story began in summer 2021 in Berlin. The first joint album «Priyom!» («Do you copy?») was released 16.12.2022, received a tremendous warm response from very diverse people.

Throughout the year 2023, the artists spent their time on the road. In different cities and countries, they played songs from their new album and, of course, composed new ones. And now, one of them — «Sgustok blyostok» («Bunch of Glitter») — will be presented in Februar in Vilnius. This song, along with the entire concert, is dedicated to the radiance of each individual and our common inner illumination, which is not always easily achieved and sometimes requires significant internal work and considerable energy expenditure from each person. Both new songs and those familiar to anyone who listened to the previous album will be performed. Come to shine together, or at least sparkle a bit!

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