Регион: Международный
Язык: русский

Unblock Community. Values, Strategies, Network Effect Models.

The Leaders of the Blockchain Sphere Will Discuss Cryptocommunity in HongKong

On September 9-10th in Hong Kong Iskander.Events hosts the “Unblock Community” conference. The event is aimed to cover the topics connected with the value of communities for blockchain industry. Moreover speakers will discuss how blockchain changes communities` meaning and it`s role for business.

First day of the event will be focused on the concept of community all in all, what is it, how token can support and motivate the community, what is the communities role in crypto industry, how the community can be estimated etc. For this part we will bring the best experts from universities, funds, research labs and some top projects with community actively involved in product development or token support. One of the key speaker of the day will be Juwan Lee, the founder and CEO of NexChange, co-Founder and director of the Blockchain Centre of Hong Kong, CEO of Arrakis Ventures, co-founder of tokenScale Blockchain Accelerator Ex-JPMorgan.

Second day is dedicated to more practical questions connected with community management. We are to discuss the instruments, strategies and communication channels during all projects stages: development, pre-sale, ITO, post-ITO. Top consulting agencies, founders of the projects who have passed all 4 stages, exchanges and funds will cover this part.

Our recent event "Tokenomics" took place in Tallinn, Estonia. More than 150 experts, entrepreneurs and investors came from all over the world to discuss hot questions of blockchain industry and perspectives of market tokenization.

University space created work-focused atmosphere and helped the audience to stay focused on the topic for quite a long time and stay productive till the late evening and afterparty time.

Check out the video report from “Tokenomics” conference in Tallinn, and prepare for Unblock Community in Hong Kong this autumn!

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