Regjioni: Bullgari
Gjuha: Shqip

Balkan eCommerce Summit 2025

An outstanding two days eCommerce and digital transformation event that gathers businesses and eCommerce industry leaders from more than 20 countries from the Balkans, Central and Western Europe.

What to expect from the event?
- 2 days of informational & practical keynotes;
- 20+ countries represented at the venue;
- 70+ speakers/industry leaders;
- 200+ expo booths;
- 4000+ attendees.

In times when eCommerce businesses are looking for new markets and new cross-border opportunities Balkan eCommerce Summit provides a platform for endless networking and know-how exchange.

In the heart of the Balkans and where East and West meet to provide quick and easy access to all Balkan and Central European countries


Networking&Expo Ticket:
- Access to Day 1 of BES;
- Four stages with speakers;
- Networking zones;
- Exhibition area;
- Lunch, snack and drinks;
- Video platform with content.

Full Experience Ticket:
- Everything from Day 1;
- Access to Balkan party on Day 1;
- Access to content of Day 2.

Organizatori i eventit merr përgjegjësinë për cilësinë e eventit. Organizatori do të marrë një vendim në lidhje me rimbursimin nëse eventi nuk zhvillohet ose shtyhet. Për informacion më të detajuar mbi rrethanat dhe rimbursimet, ju lutemi referojuni Rrethanave që lidhen me eventin

Vendi i eventit

Arena 8888 Sofia, Boulevard "Asen Yordanov", Sofia, Bulgaria