Regjioni: Lithuania
Gjuha: Albanian

Bulgaria PHP Conference 2019

We are very proud to announce the third edition of Bulgaria PHP Conference - the premier event gathering the PHP community from all around the world.

The 2019 edition will take place in the emblematic National Palace of Culture in the heart of Sofia, Bulgaria.

The conference will consist of a workshop day on the 8th of November and two conference days on the 9th and 10th of November with two tracks of top-notch talks and an unConf, a great theme, an awesome party, exquisite food, refreshments and lot's of beer!

For proforma invoices and offline payments contact us at

Organizatori i eventit merr përgjegjësinë për cilësinë e eventit. Organizatori do të marrë një vendim në lidhje me rimbursimin nëse eventi nuk zhvillohet ose shtyhet. Për informacion më të detajuar mbi rrethanat dhe rimbursimet, ju lutemi referojuni Rrethanave që lidhen me eventin

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