Regjioni: United States
Gjuha: Albanian



If you need an invoice for institution, please write an email to secretariat:

Registration fees SIOPEN AGM 2024

Until 17 of June, registration is only allowed for SIOPEN members. From that date on, it will be possible for anyone interested (members, non-members from SIOPEN countries, and non-members from non-SIOPEN countries and pharma).

EARLY registration until 9 of August: (25% discount for early registrations, until 3 months before the AGM)
Price with 25% discount:

  • 150 € for SIOPEN members
  • 150 € participants from Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
  • 225 € for non-members from European countries
  • 300 € for non-members from European countries and pharma
  • 30€ dinner (Thursday)

LATE registration from 9 of August:

  • 200€ for SIOPEN members
  • 200 € participants from Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
  • 300€  for non-members from European countries
  • 400€ for non-members from European countries and pharma
  • 30€ dinner (Thursday)

If you need an invoice, please write an email to secretariat:


Organizatori i eventit merr përgjegjësinë për cilësinë e eventit. Organizatori do të marrë një vendim në lidhje me rimbursimin nëse eventi nuk zhvillohet ose shtyhet. Për informacion më të detajuar mbi rrethanat dhe rimbursimet, ju lutemi referojuni Rrethanave që lidhen me eventin

Vendi i eventit