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Hello all, I would like to invite all interested pedagogues who understand what "Dialogue "Photomoment" means and who want to share their opinion about this way of teaching on 15.07.2023 in the assembly hall of our university.

Hello all, I would like to invite all interested pedagogues who understand what "Dialogue "Photomoment" means and who want to share their opinion about this way of teaching on 15.07.2023 in the assembly hall of our university. Dialogue "Photomoment". This form of group activity is also aimed at the development of imagination. 

However, its efficiency is lower than effectiveness of https://edusharky.com/buy-college-essay for the activity described above. First of all because the object of active development here is only the leader. the leader. I will describe the methodology of the activity. After a short talk on "What is a Photo-Moment," explaining the meaning of of the word, the instructor introduces the child to the world of photography: People always want to leave something as a memento of some events, often it is a photograph. 

Photos are different: funny and sad, small and large, color and and black and white, and there are photos where people put their face into a small window cut into a picture of animals or famous people. The children then choose one guide who inserts his face into this picture without knowing what is painted on it. His or her task is to guess who he or she is representing by asking leading questions. Example 8. Theater "Mitten". 

The form of the game assumes goal-oriented development of children's sensory sphere. Presenting a particular character in in different situations, the children become sad, happy, exulted, angry, indignant - emotionally master the world of relations and forms of their manifestation, which promotes deeper understanding of spiritual connections in real life. In addition In addition, by using folk literary works, we We introduce children to national culture and USAn folklore. folklore. 175 The goal of the work is to teach expressive reading based on imitation, repeated rereading, development of memory, speech, elementary movements, and the ability to speak in front of an the audience. The child's activity is model-oriented. In the process of communication, the educator-adult teaches by example speech, movement, behavior, and provides nonintrusive help, if children forget something. The basis of the adult's behavior is benevolence, reasonableness, calmness and interested participation. 

Props (mitten dolls) are a fulcrum for recreating imagination, understanding of the character, a prerequisite to emancipation of feelings, movements, to freedom of speech. Attracts and considerable simplicity in the manufacture of dolls: you can find old gloves, mittens, and already on their basis, using Using pieces of fabric, colored paper, buttons, needle and thread, scissors and imagination it is possible to make a grandfather and Grandparents, and the mouse, and the fox and the dog, etc. 


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