Region: Lithuania
Language: English

Pats Baisiausias Techno: Alignment, Carla Schmitt, Clamor x Pakulis, Jogaila, VOSY

Būna greitas techno, būna griežtas techno, ir būna PATS BAISIAUSIAS TECHNO. Rūsčiausią metų naktį atversime didžiosios salės vartus, kurioje jus pasitiks šešėlių valdovai Alignment ir Carla Schmitt. Pirmasis – itin paklausus big room techno atstovas, festivalių ir masyvių klubų vardas, grojantis praktiškai kas antrą dieną. Tiek pat paklausi ir jo juodo techno kūryba, kurią leidžia „Voxnox“ ar Charlotte de Witte priklausantis KNTXT. Carla Schmitt – tiek pat juodo techno kūrėja, profesionali choreografė, labai, labai energinga didžėja ir smarkiai link populiarumo skriejanti Paryžiaus vunderkindė. Taigi, du rimti svečiai, labai ryžtingai nusiteikęs vietos palaikymas, ir šiek tiek nerimo, kaip visa tai atlaikyti. Kaip ir žadėta – pats baisiausas techno.


There's fast techno, there's rigorous techno, and there's PATS BAISIAUSIAS (most scary) TECHNO. On the year's gloomiest night, we're opening the gates of our great hall, where you'll meet the shadow masters Alignment and Carla Schmitt. The former is particularly desirable big room techno DJ, whose name decorates the lineups of the festivals and massive clubs and who's playing every second day. His dark techno productions are equally sought after, with sold-outs happening in weeks and releases appearing on labels such as "Voxnox" or Charlotte de Witte's KNTXT. Carla Schmitt is a producer of equal darkness, a professional choreographer, a super energetic DJ, and a quick-rising Parisian talent. To sum up: we have two substantial guests, a resolute team of local DJs, and a bit of worry about how to sustain all this goodness. Result? The scariest techno of them all.



CARLA SCHMITT (Dusk Records, FR)





Išankstiniai bilietai:
Klubas pasilieka teisę neįleisti svečių be papildomo paaiškinimo.


Ticket pre-sale:
The club reserves the right to deny entrance without disclosure of reasons.


Kablys + Club, Kauno g. 5, Vilnius, LT.

The event organiser takes responsibility for the quality of the event. The organiser will make a decision regarding the refund if the event does not take place or is postponed. For more detailed information on circumstances and refunds, please refer to the Event-Related Circumstances

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