Valsts: Starptautisks
Valoda: Latvian

TEMPERAMENTO from sunset to sunrise @ Kite Bar Gradina

TEMPERAMENTO на плажа на Кайт Бар, част от 3 дневното посрещане на July Morning на Градина!

за резервация на маса 0896 620 520

За тридневни билети  28.06 Shame Party + 29.06 Temperamento + 30.06 Best Kept Secret натиснете тук

Temperamento is оur key for a club night, which unlocks your ultimate emotions of pure joy, happiness and freedom through a musical journey of different cultures, tribes and communities around the world. 

Temperamento  will take place on 29th of June at Kite Bar, camping Gradina

To book a table for this event: 0896 620 520



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