The American Comedy Invasion: Featuring Joel Bryant | LINE UP
The American Comedy Invasion: Featuring Joel Bryant From Los Angeles, CA - JOEL BRYANT - Interactive standup comedy in English Is coming back to Vilnius Join us on Sun Apr 06 2024 at 20:00 for an unforgettable evening of laughter and entertainment at Line Up. Get ready to experience the hilarious comedy of Joel Bryant, all the way from Los Angeles, CA! Joel Bryant is known for his unique style of interactive standup comedy that will have you laughing out loud. With his witty jokes and engaging stage presence, Joel is guaranteed to keep you entertained throughout the night. Don't miss this opportunity to witness an incredible performance filled with laughter and fun. Grab your friends and come join us for a night of comedy like no other.
19:00 Doors
20:00 Start time
Tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
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