Rejon: Międzynarodowe
Język: Polski

A Bangladeshi in Lithuania

On the 28th of October, come join us at Flow Bar for one of Bagladesh's best comedians. 

Naveed Mahbub is a world-famous comedian with over 20 years of experience. He has been featured on Comedy Central, TV Asia, and all major channels in Bangladesh. Not only has he been featured, but he is also the host/executive producer of The Naveed Mahbud Show. He has performed in 4 continents, and Naveed has traveled all around the world.

He has attended all major festivals and has won Best Male Comedian at the Original Las Vegas Comedy Festival.

Naveed has worked on radio on the BBC and Good Morning Bangladesh.  

He was also a background actor in You Don’t Mess with Zohan and Ugly Truth.

In Bangladesh, he founded Naveed’s Comedy Club, the best comedy club in Bangladesh.

Check him out on his social media accounts:

             Facebook, TikTok: ComedianNaveedMahbub

 YouTube, Instagram: NaveedMahbub

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