Rejon: Międzynarodowe
Język: Polski

BIG DATA Conference Vilnius 2018 / Full Ticket

BIG DATA Conference Vilnius is a three-day event with purely technical talks in the fields of Big Data, High Load, Data Science, Machine Learning and AI.

Conference brings together developers, IT professionals and users to share their experience via technical sessions and user success stories. Industry and technical experts will discuss best practices, describe use cases and business applications related to their successes.


Workshop day - 27 November* / Workshops will be held at M. K. Čiurlionio str. 84, Vilnius, Lietuva.

* - Attention! Essentials for Apache Hadoop and Hadoop Ecosystem (LT) by Ernestas Sysojevas has been preponed from 27 November to 26 November.

Due to the limited availability of seats, early registration is strongly recommended to ensure your participation - we rely on a first-come, first-served basis.

Conference days - 28-29 November / Multikino, Ozo str. 18, Vilnius, Lithuania.

VAT Tax is included in the ticket price.

For groups of 15+ participants or to request the invoice for Full Ticket, please contact us via email at  and provide this information:

Company details (Registration code, VAT, Address)

Type of ticket (Full Pass)

Number of ticket(s)

Email(s) of the attendee(s)

Workshop title.


Due to conference policy, any types of tickets do not allow refunds under any circumstances except event cancellation or date change.

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