Regjioni: Ndërkombtare
Gjuha: Shqip XK

Agile Lean Europe Unconference - Pre-ALE Workshops

Agile Lean Europe (ALE) network is an open and evolving network of people with links to local communities and institutes. Its purpose is to spread ideas and promote the collective understanding of Agile and Lean thinking throughout Europe. By bringing together diverse perspectives and fostering cross-border exchange it allows beautiful results to emerge.

Once a year ALE people gather in ALE Unconference. Each year the Unconference is held in the different European city. It is organized by the team of volunteers from the local communities. And we are really happy to host all ALE community in Vilnius in 2023!

On August 22nd, one day before the ALE Unconference, we will host hands-on workshops brought to you by the ALE community.

We going to have 6 tracks of workshops running in parallel. Workshops have limited space. Registration will be announced at the beginning of August.

Organizatori i ngjarjes merr përgjegjësinë për cilësinë e ngjarjes. Organizatori do të marrë një vendim në lidhje me rimbursimin nëse ngjarja nuk zhvillohet ose shtyhet. Për informacion më të detajuar mbi rrethanat dhe rimbursimet, ju lutemi referojuni Rrethanave që lidhen me ngjarjen

Lokacioni i Ngjarjes