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Klaipėda | The virtual reality film Trail of Angels, based on the works by Čiurlionis


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The virtual reality film Trail of Angels, based on the works by Čiurlionis, is now available in Klaipėda 

M. K. Čiurlionis left us a wonderful world in his paintings and music, while also inspiring us with his famous words “I see the world as a great symphony”. Today, everything is different – there is so much anxiety, fear, silence and uncertainty... Our world consists of the separate parts of a symphony, but it would sound so much better if all the parts were joined together. In the virtual reality film Trail of Angels, we are given a glimpse into a different world. Everyone who has seen the film will confirm that this special world, which includes 60 paintings by Čiurlionis, provides them with a huge sense of peace and inspiration.

It is a 25-minute journey through the most spectacular and beautiful paintings by Čiurlionis (Serenity, Angels, The Altar, News, The Angel) that allows your mind to wander and be immersed in the light.

Duration: 25 min. (advance booking is required).  
Experienced while seated.   

Ticket price for adults – €15. Ticket price for children, students and seniors – €10.

After purchasing a ticket, you can book a visit to see the film at:  www.angelutakais.lt/klaipeda

You can watch the film at the: Kultūros fabrika (Bangų g. 5A, Klaipėda, Lithuania)

Opening hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - 12:00 to 20:00 

Saturday - 11:00 - 20:00

Sunday – 11:00 to 18:00

Awards: The project not only impressed the audience at the Venice Film Festival in 2018, but also won the prestigious Lumen Prize for Art and Technology in the UK in 2019, as well as receiving the prestigious Silver Crane award for Professional Mastery in Lithuania in 2020.

Organiser: VR SPOT
Director: Kristina Buožytė
Creative Producer: Vitalijus Žukas
Soundtrack by: Rokas Zubovas, Phil Von, Mübin Dünen, Giedrius Kriūnas
Created by: OKTA, Natrix and Asterman
Project Partner: M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art

Purchased tickets are valid until 31-08-2022

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